They are two devices designed to meet the need for easier vertical mobility in all environments, both Indoor and Outdoor, both public and private.
Though today they are available in a wide range of technical, technological and design solutions providing a large number of customisation options, there are definite structural differences. Let’s see which ones.
Lifts are perfect to overcome height differences that may even be significant, and their presence is legally required in all new buildings with more the three floors, and where possible in buildings being renovated. General technical specifications:
- Car doors: always present.
- Speed: higher than that of platform lifts (over 0.6m/s).
- Maximum stroke: usually 4 floors or more in a building, but it can be adapted according to the context where the lift is installed.
- Installation: requires large spaces and a deep excavation.
Platform lifts
Platform lifts are lifting systems designed for easier mobility when people only need to overcome a few steps or a small height difference. General technical specifications:
- Car doors: systems may be equipped with them or not. In the latter case, the platform lift can only be operated through an “hold to run” control.
- Speed: lower than that of lifts (no more than 0.15m/s).
- Maximum stroke: it can be adapted according to the context where the platform lift is installed.
- Installation: requires a very small space and shallow excavations, if any.
Our recommendations
In this article we summarised the most noticeable differences between the two system; to ultimately decide whether you should install any lifts or platform lifts in your environment (no matter what its characteristics are), take advantage of our consultancy services: we can explain you in detail all the features and solutions that best meet your needs.