Accessibility is a sensitive topic and nowadays there is a growing awareness towards it, also at EU level.
At a first glance, it would seem to be an issue simply relegated to the role of giving persons with impaired physical mobility the opportunity to freely move outside the house walls or to visit offices, banks, and personal services in general. We are talking about elders, disabled persons, those with impaired physical mobility, also temporary, pregnant women, and, by extension, all those who have specific mobility needs.
However, this is actually not the full story: any architectural barrier can undermine individual freedom, the opportunity to be able to carry out any activity in urban contexts that, given architectural designs and the history of human presence, become inaccessible. The architectural heritage which we live in today should increasingly take into account the applicability and interpretation of existing laws on the subject of architectural barriers, optimising the use of state-or-the-art technologies and the rules of modern decor.
In this context, vertical mobility has become crucial: thanks to the installation of minimally invasive solutions, modern architecture moulds so as to become increasingly inclusive and accessible for all.
Our accessible solutions
Once it was common practice to install ramps to facilitate movement along slopes. Nowadays, thanks to technological progress and to the performance of the used devices, it is possible to also meet other needs, first and foremost the well-being and the User Experience of lift, mini lift or platform lift users.
Our concept of vertical mobility combines functionality and aesthetics: for example, we have installed platform lifts inside archaeological sites so as to guarantee not only safety during operation but also the beauty of the experience itself for the enjoyment of the wonders of the local landscape. Indeed, the panoramic shells which we have provided have been designed to make the vertical trip outside historical buildings pleasant, fascinating users during the journey.
We of Area Lift, jointly with Lifting Italia, strive each day to promote a new way and a new style for vertical mobility, offering safe and attractive platform lifts, lifts and mini lifts.
This is our vision, to enhance the quality of life of people and of our customers.